Training plan in high impact health and social entrepreneurship to face the new challenges of dependency and chronicity, with the support of simulation methodology and 3D planning
Characteristics: training 100% granted.
Training objective: to accompany all the process associated with the creation, implementation and development of a product/service idea around health and social dependence and chronicity.
Total hours of training: 100 hours (presential and online) plus tutorships.
Third edition: September-December 2023.
First Module: Planter / Incubator
From the idea based on a problem / need in dependency / chronicity, to the service / product in health and social.
Objective: To develop an idea in health or social, related to a problem or need in the field of dependence and chronicity, to define it and direct it towards a service / product project that can be exploited in business.
Questions to answer: What is the challenge, problem or need? What is the proposed solution, intervention? Who are the protagonists? What is the impact of the idea?
Conception of training: Training and accompaniment in the conception of the idea of a product and / or service in health and social, around dependence and chronicity, and its impact on the psycho-bio-social aspects of the person / user / patient, the management of social-health information and the role of the health and social professional, the creation of a company with eHealth characteristics and the identification, promotion and evolution of the skills, attitudes, capitals and capacities of a health entrepreneur.
Second Module: Acceleration of the process of company creation
Characterization and development of the product or service in health and social based on a challenge of dependence or chronicity.
Objective: Characterization of the service/product idea in the health-social field, in order to develop its full potential and provide it with the validations and elevate it to a health or validated product, with all the existing scientific and research guarantees.
Questions to answer: How do I develop and test the effectiveness of my solution? How do I develop my health-social service-product in business? How do I make it known?
Conception of the training: Research and innovation applied to the complete development of a product or service with health or social impact, from a business point of view (legal form, governance, legal aspects…), scientific point of view (legal tests…), scientific (usability tests, pilot tests, validation tests, clinical trials, scientific evaluation through validated tools, tests and questionnaires, creation, management and analysis of results displayed in health databases and big data…), social and sanitary, …) and social and health (in the management of the information flow of the ecosystem created around the user / client / patient, to improve the diagnosis, monitoring and control of the different aspects of social and health interest of the dysfunction or disease seen).
Third Module: Re-invention and business adaptation
Intra-entrepreneurship and internationalization. Improvement and evolution of products / services in health and social.
Objective: Improvement and evolution of a company in social-health, to rethink its services/products and make them more in line with the needs and problems of its users, recycling ideas and growing from within with a global spirit.
Questions to answer: How can I continue to evolve my product/service so that it continues to provide answers to the needs/problems in social health? How can I become an intrapreneur? How can I get involved in territorial development policies? How can I internationalize myself?
Training conception: Companies specialized in health and social services/products are faced with the challenge of improving/evolving continuously in order to improve the response/solution they give to their clients. For this it is necessary to control in detail all the processes of market evolution and the social and health ecosystem to which they are dedicated, focusing on intra-entrepreneurship processes in order to be able to innovate as part of the DNA of an eHealth company.
Do you have an idea and want to be part of eHEALTHINKING? Do you have any doubts? Would you like more information? Contact us: e-mail: - Phone: +34938757388 ext: 730
With support from:

This initiative is part of the Programa Primer de Preaccleració 2024, granted by the Departament d'Empresa i Treball and co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.
In collaboration with:

The eHEALTHINKING platform is an initiative supported by UManresa - Fundació Universitària del Bages, Campus Manresa de la Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya.
Do you want to contact us? e-mail: - Phone: +34938774179 ext: 730